While You Are Waiting on God's Promise

"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37

We don't always interpret the promise of God correctly, but we can rest assured that His promise will come to pass and that it will be even better than what we expected!

In Luke 24, Jesus walked to Emmaus with two disciples who at first did not even recognize him.  This was after his crucifixion had taken place and the two men were discussing their disappointment when Jesus joined them on their journey.  One of the men made the comment along the way, "We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel."  Notice the phrase had hoped. Not we still hope, or we will continue hoping.  As an English teacher,  I can tell you that phrase means past tense; in the past, they hoped. With great disillusionment, all of their hopes died with the crucifixion of the man they had hoped in.

These men knew the promise of God, had placed their hope in God's promise, but because of pre-conceived notions about how God would fulfill His promise, they almost missed it!

We need God's perspective rather than our own.  The Jewish people thought their Messiah would save them from the Romans; God wanted to save them from the kingdom of sin and death.  They looked for an earthly reign; God planned for a victory that was spiritual, eternal, and complete.

Learn to hold loosely your ideas about how God intends to work.  Instead, ask that he reveal his perspective to you.  The work God is doing in your life - the promise He is fullfilling - is far greater than you have yet imagined.

Don't be like Abraham and Sarah who tried to fulfill the promise in their own strength and only complicated matters.

Don't say, "Well, God must have really meant _______________, because ________________ isn't possible."  Remember, Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 19:26, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Don't settle for less than you have been promised, for you can rest assured that God's promise will be fulfilled in its entirety and His intention is far greater than your inference.

Your God will not fail!  His promise to you still stands.


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