Yes, We Have A Pandemic...But Also an Opportunity!

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

As I read through these verses and those that follow, do you know what I don't see?  I DON'T see a single verse that says, "A time to fear." With the recent developments, many are experiencing fear, or at least high levels of anxiety and concern due to the new coronavirus, COVID-19.  If we aren't frightened by the virus itself, we are concerned about the economy, the schools and businesses closing, how we are going to care for our families, or - at the very least - where we might be able to purchase toilet paper! Believe me, I'm not trying to minimize legitimate concerns, but I do want to offer an alternative perspective. 

First of all, realize that fear itself can be pandemic.  
Let's stop spreading it!  Begin by remembering the incredible love and sovereignty of God.  1 John 4:18 says, "perfect love casts out fear."  When you realize that you are His, and you are held within His love, your fears begin to dissipate.  This may not come easily at first.  It requires that you take control of your thoughts, and purposely focus them on God's love for you.  It requires consistency and repetition, but it IS possible!  

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10: 4-5). 

Similarly, Colossians chapter 3 talks about "setting our minds on things above."  For me, learning this was possible - that I wasn't helplessly at the mercy of my own mind - was transformational!   It's within our power to exercise control.

Second,  switch your perspective.
Instead of focusing on the problems and fixating on what may seem glaringly obvious, take a growth mindset approach.  What is there to be grateful about? How can we learn and grow from this? What might we now find time to teach our children while at home?  It's a great time to re-evaluate what our values truly are.  Once we can name our priorities, we'll be in a better position to determine whether our time and attention are being invested the way we would desire. 

Attitude is key. Yesterday, when I heard the news that the governor of Kansas was suspending "school-as-we-know-it" through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, I was stunned.  I'm suddenly being challenged as a teacher to learn how to teach remotely.  I could adopt a negative attitude, but that wouldn't help my students!  Instead, I'm choosing to think outside the box, get creative, and focus on how I can enrich their lives. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more excited I become as ideas and creativity begin to spark.  The truth is, adversity is often the pathway to growth. Our attitude determines how successful we will be at overcoming difficulties. 

Finally, recognize the opportunity in this season.
The verses I began this blog post with speak of a time to plant and a time to build.  This is a time to build relationships with our loved ones.  To realize that many of us have made idols of our finances, and plant our hopes in more fertile soil.  Take heart! 2 Corinthians 9:10 reminds us, "Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness."  I assure you, COVID - 19 did not take God by surprise.  He is still in control. We can trust His provision.

Early in January, I was praying about a word for the year.  The word God gave me was FULLNESS, but it came with a message:  Fullness wouldn't necessarily look like what I expected. There would be a cutting back on unnecessary things, so that I could be full of those things that mattered most. I was supposed to start culling out things I didn't truly need, whether that be material possessions, activities, or junk food in my diet. The message was clear; if I wanted to be full of the best, I couldn't be stuffed with rubbish. 

As I've spent time in prayer for our country and these uncertain times, I believe God has clearly shown me that this is a time, not to react in fear, but to plant and build.  It's like pruning a rose bush; the unnecessary is cut away to make room for new growth. 

My advice?  Personally seek God's direction.  What would He have you plant in this season?  What has He put on your heart to accomplish?  Now is the time to build it!  You already have the seed.  It's time to plant.  Harvest doesn't happen overnight.  If you've been waiting to start a ministry God has revealed to you, stop putting it off.  As you know, without starting the seed in the soil, harvest doesn't happen at all. Without laying the foundation, the plans are meaningless. Now is your time!

This week, I've been hosting LEGO build challenges in my living room. It's been interesting how many times the kids have told me that they "weren't good at it,"  "weren't creative,"  or "didn't know what to do."  Yet, each time, once they got started, the ideas sprung forth.  Each time, once they finished, they were proud of what they'd built.  Each and every time.  

The building blocks were supplied.  All they had to do was start putting them together.  Let's take a lesson from my kiddos. My challenge to you tonight is this:  Seek God's plan.  Listen for his prompting.  Build as He directs.  You will have the tools you need, and He will bless your work in this season. 


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