
Showing posts from February, 2017

Hope Again: The Love That Will Not Leave You Lonely

I felt sorry for him. I really did. This past Sunday our youth hosted a spaghetti fundraiser after church. Of course everyone was invited, but, being February 12th, our luncheon had a Valentine's Day theme. One of the highlights of the dinner was the "Newlywed Game," and we had 5 victims - I mean volunteers - who bravely recorded their answers to eight personal questions about their beloved brides. The questions ranged from "Where did you go on your first date?" to "Which flower represents your wife early in the morning?" a. sunflower b. lady of paradise c. snapdragon You know how the game is played. The ladies were asked the same question and gave their answer in front of everyone before their husbands revealed what they had written down. I'm sure you can imagine the laughter that took place around the room. If you've ever participated in such a game, you can also imagine the conversations that occurred - or perhaps DIDN'T - on the

Fighting for Your Marriage in the Midst of a Fight

The only way to fight for your marriage is to fight against yourself. There. the secret is out.  Probably not what you expected to hear. Certainly not what you wanted to hear.  But in my experience at least, its the stark, honest truth. Sounds like a dichotomy doesn't it?  Fight for yourself by fighting against yourself. No more so, though, than Jesus saying that those who want to save their lives must lose them. I first learned this lesson several years ago after a fight with my husband. Apparently, I'm a slow learner as I've had to keep learning it many times over the past fifteen years, and I suspect will continue to learn in the future.  But, for now, I'll share my experience. We'd been fighting.  Now in my home that doesn't mean a screaming match or anything that would give our neighbors reason to call the police.  (I know there are relationships where fighting is literal and presents an immediate danger. I can't say whether or not this blog post