
Showing posts from February, 2018

A Message for the Woman Struggling as the Spiritual Leader of Her Home

Chances are, if you are reading this based on the title alone, you're in desperate need of some encouragement right now.  However you came to this position, I can almost hear you whispering,  "Its not how life was supposed to be ." Like me, you've probably sat through sermons on Ephesians 5:21-33 about the husband being the spiritual head of the home, while secretly wondering how many sets of eyes were wandering your way as you sat alone in the pew. You've probably offered a silent prayer that went something like this, "God, I know that's how you meant for families to be, but what about me?  I didn't choose this , God." You've questioned whether you were enough, had what it would take. Likely, you've fought hard against the sin of jealousy, trying courageously to be happy for the sister whose husband prays beside her at the alter, while battling the voices that make you feel less than worthy. You've assured yourself, &quo