
Showing posts from January, 2020

Take it From Someone Whose Plate's Been Too Full

I knew it had been months since I'd published a blog, but I have to admit I was shocked when I logged in today and saw it had been over a year! It wasn't for lack of ideas or inspiration.  In fact, God taught me numerous lessons throughout 2019 that I have filed away in the " I need to write about that " compartment of my brain. No, the cause can be attributed to one simple truth: my plate has been too full. Being a full-time mom, housewife, teacher, youth leader and college student has left little time for anything else.  All year I've kept promising myself that I'd finish my Masters degree in December and then get back to my writing as soon as 2020 hit. Cheers! Here's to keeping promises to yourself. Fullness .  That's what I want to write about today. Each year I pray about a word that will represent the year ahead.  This year I had some ideas, yet none seemed to fully fit what I felt God was placing in my spirit.  After going through several o